Wednesday, 27 June 2012

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Nothing good ever happens to anyone in Spec Ops: The Line. It starts with a rescue, a rough situation destined to get worse, and unravels in a downward spiral where only bad things happen to good people. By the end, physical, mental, and moral disruption leave each character in a very different place than they started. You almost expect it to have been written by Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin.

This isn’t a good thing for Captain Martin Walker, our intrepid hero whose will weakens with every enemy encounter. He transforms from a cheesy cliché to someone you sympathize with, and then develops into something despicable. How he gets there isn’t up to you -- what it ultimately means, though, is entirely your call.

Story is Spec Ops’ strong suit, and while the inconsistent combat isn’t ideal, the gameplay does a great job of facilitating that narrative between intense encounters. In fact, The Line accomplishes something most shooters don’t bother with: It makes violence meaningful. Every firefight ends with Walker and his Delta Force squad regretting what they've done.



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